looking forward to hear from you!
Join Us for Somatic Movement Education Courses
Dive into the Body-Mind Centering® approach this summer at Somaatikum, 2025.
We warmly invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, connection, and embodiment.
Fluid System June 26 – July 2 720€
Nervous System July 5 – 12 840€
Ontogenetic Development August 6 – 10 600€
PrimitiveReflexes, Righting Reactions, Equilibrium Responses August 13 – 19 720€
*For special East European discount please contact somaatikum@gmail.com
How do I register?
For registration please fill out the following form and send it to us at somaatikum@gmail.com
Form: https://shorturl.at/dmp18
Our homepage is currently under development, thus also refer any questions you might have to us via email somaatikum@gmail.com
What is Somaatikum?
Somaatikum is a Body-Mind Centering® study centre located on the West coast of Estonia, in Pivarootsi. The sun-lit studio with warm wooden floors is located on the 2nd floor of a barn, surrounded by nature, just 1-minute walk from the communal house and 5-minute walk from the seashore. Thus, the ecosystem of the body can softly converse and intertwine with the surrounding ecology of the living world.The programme at Somaatikum sarted in 2017 and is led by Mari Mägi and Stefanie Hahnzog, supported by their long-lasting friendship since the start of their BMC® studies and continues to be fed by their ongoing curiosities towards embodiment. The programme has its unique “taste”, flowing in the river of the BMC curriculum but with sensitive listening and response-ability to the people present to partake in the process. At Somaatikum, every body and every thing is part of the conversation.
What is Body-Mind Centering®?
Body-Mind Centering® (BMC®) is an integrated and embodied approach to movement, the body and consciousness. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, it is an experiential study based on the embodiment and application of anatomical, physiological, psychophysical and developmental principles, utilizing movement, touch, voice and mind. Its uniqueness lies in the specificity with which each of the body systems can be personally embodied and integrated, the fundamental groundwork of developmental re-patterning, and the utilization of a body-based language to describe movement and body-mind relationships. The study of BMC® is a creative process in which embodiment of the material is explored in the context of self-discovery and openness.
Who runs the programme?
Mari Mägi and Stefanie Hahnzog have been exploring the field of Body-Mind Centering® since their commune studies at the European SBMC Practitioner Program in Chiemsee and throughout their Teacher Training. Since many years they develop their style of co-teaching through holding SME Program Courses together and inspire each other through their insights and different personal style of teaching and embodiment. They enjoy this fruitful inbetween space of their dialogue as a creative source.
Stefanie Hahnzog (Germany), BMC® Practitioner and Teacher, shares the poetry of body wisdom in workshops, trainings, and art projects, mostly in Munich and Bavaria. She teaches in different BMC Programs in Europe and is the Educational Director of the SME Program of Somaatikum, Estonia. A dramaturg and performer, she is dedicated to artistic networking and inspired by Nature, Contact Improvisation, Capoeira, Taichi DaoYin, Yoga, and women’s circles.
Mari Mägi (Estonia) is interested in how inner experience and wisdom, communication between people and inside/outside spaces are expressing in movement whilst shaping our being. Being a dancer, performer, choreographer, Body-Mind Centering® teacher, Program Director of the SME Program Somaatikum and Dance Movement Therapist she is delighted with all the discoveries which this interest has unveiled.
Tell me about the practical aspects of the stay?
Usually people arrive by bus to Virtsu harbour and someone from the team comes to pick them up, it is a short drive from there to Somaatikum, Pivarootsi. Virtsu is also the place where food shopping is done, there is no store in Pivarootsi. Drives to the store are regular and decided together. The stay is at a cosy and homey communal house next to the studio, single or double rooms can be booked. There are two communal kitchens for use, one indoor and one outside (used upon need). There is also a sauna and options for doing laundry. The seashore is nearby, thus it is also possible to swim. Bring sunscreen and bug repellent. Accommodation can be booked HERE
We look forward to meeting you at Somaatikum and in the body!
Body-Mind Centering®, BMC® andare registered service marks of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, used with permission.